
Proper Plumbing is a Priority

So many of your home’s water and heating systems rely on sound plumbing decisions


Keep your water supply, heating and sanitation systems in tip-top shape with proper plumbing.

So many of your home’s water and heating systems rely on sound plumbing decisions. These systems include fresh water supply, water heating and sanitation. You need leak-proof plumbing pipes, connectors and faucets for care-free installations. Wear and tear over your systems’ lifetime requires quality parts for plumbing repair.

For added convenience, you can connect some small appliances to your water supply. For instance, a filtered drinking water unit or a coffee machine makes life simpler when you’re in a hurry. Look for the parts and the tools to help you keep your essential systems in tip-top shape.

There’s no doubt that most homes have several faucets throughout them. More than one bathroom means more than one toilet, tub or shower. All these fixtures need tight connections to avoid leaks. Water leak repair is easy with the right tools and accessories. You may want to replace a sink or install a dishwasher. Those too can be do-it-yourself projects when you know how to complete the task. Look for quality copper, PVC and chrome piping, along with durable brass fittings. Keeping your plumbing repair jobs up-to-date pays off with trouble-free water supply.



177 Toronto Rd, Port Hope, ON L1A 3V5


(905) 885-4568